Park Thriller Pages

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Things get bad, Time to sell our national parks?

Seems like a silly question, but there are actually some in Congress who are calling for the selling of our parks. This despite the fact that parks are huge economic engines and actually generate wealth for the country. But even if the parks didn't generate economic benefits, now is not the time to sell the farm.
Congressional leaders like Cliff Stearns see national parks like a Cadillac. A frivolous luxury that should be sold in times of trouble. But national parks aren't like a vehicle valued for its utility and easily replaced. National parks are more like a family photo album, valued for what they represent: family, community, freedom. Once sold those values are lost forever.
Besides the national parks have weathered far worse: the end of the Civil War, two world wars, a great depression, the attacks of September 11th. Rather than selling the national parks during these times of crisis, Americans turned to them. They needed the parks to heal, relax, and remind them of what's important.
Today's tough economy will pass. It always does. So, no it's not the time to sell our national heritage. It's time to turn to our parks and protect them for future generations of Americans who will need them as well.
Look for my new novel Unleashing Colter's Hell to be out soon.


  1. I am not sure what to think now. The Republicans want to expropriate our NP's, and I saw Bill Clinton come out in support of the Keystone Pipeline which every environmntalist group seems to be opposing. Aside from keeping politicians on a 10 foot pole, the only thing I can figure is when you want to know why they do what they do, follow the money. Am I wrong?

  2. Hey Rancher: Yes, it often seems that politicans only care about the money. It can get depressing at times. However, money and politics have always been intermixed. At the time Yellowstone was established, there were powerful forces that would have prefered the land be gobbled up by private developers. However, a few committed indivduals fought this and were able to convince Congress to designate it the world's first national park. Unfortunately, there will always be forces working to undue our progress. Therefore our job is to be forever vigilant, to defend the progress we've made and even work achieve more.
