Park Thriller Pages

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

My 2013 Reading List

December 31, 2013: At the end of the year, I like to look back at the books I've read over the past 365 days. Here is my list. There are some really great reads, others not so much. Although, I didn't set out the year to read a broad spectrum of works, 2013 turned out to have a great mix of fiction and non-fiction, thrillers, science, history, and fantasy.  Every one of the books made me think, which I believe is the ultimate goal of every author.

What does your list look like?
  1. The Lost Bank
  2. The Inner Circle
  3. The Magic of Reality
  4. Pearl Harbor: FDR Leads the Nation to War
  5. Feast of Crows
  6. Why the North Won the War
  7. Area 51
  8. The Story of Medieval England, from King Arthur to the Tudor Conquest
  9. Dance with Dragons
  10. Inferno

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