Park Thriller Pages

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Where should Grayson Cole go next?

Mount Rainier National Park
Lost Cause, the second Grayson Cole thriller, is just weeks away from publication! The novel is a page turning story about a search for a relic that once belonged to Confederate General Robert E. Lee. Legend has it the relic was the source of General Lee’s power. Park Ranger Grayson Cole is in a bloody race to stop the Confederate League which is hell bent on acquiring the relic and using its power to start the second Civil War.

The thriller is set in numerous national park sites including well-known sites like Gettysburg and Antietam.  But it also visits lesser known sites like Fort Monroe, Wilson’s Creek, and Fort Pickens.

Lost Cause is the follow up to the bestselling thriller Unleashing Colter's Hell.  That story was set in Yellowstone national park and it about a terrorist attempt to detonate an atomic bomb in Yellowstone, igniting the world’s largest super volcano.

I love national parks because they protect some of America’s most iconic, historic, and beautiful places. The parks contain plenty of exotic and familiar places within which to set dramatic, nail-biting thrillers.

I’ve already begun writing Need to Know the next Grayson Cole thriller which is set in Mount Rainier national park. Mount Rainier is one of the oldest and best known national parks in the world.  But few people realize that while Roswell is believed to be the site of the first UFO sighting, it was actually Mount Rainier National Park in 1947. Presto, I have the theme and location for the next story.

That got me wondering about other park historical tidbits or coincidences that might make great stories, great settings for the next thriller.

So dear reader, where should Grayson go next? Please leave your selection and brief explanation why in the comment section.



  1. Death Valley National Park. It's hauntingly beautiful, remote, even has it's own castle (Scotty's) AND ghost town in former Rhyolite. The Racetrack Playa has boulders that move mysteriously on their own without explanation. Badwater Basin is the lowest point in the USA, approx. 282 below sea level. It has a General Store, former borax mine, museum, scenic mountain ranges, even a golf course with palms at the hottest recorded place on Earth at 134 degrees. Cell service is nearly negligible out there, but skies are clear blue, and the stars are brilliant at night. The sand dunes were the back drop of at least two Star Wars films. There are few hotels... a resort, nice "cabins", and 3 area motels. One of these is just outside the park and has a quirky opera house with sightings of an otherworldly nature. And though it would seem barren, there is plant life sprinkled about this land of rich colors (Artist's Den) and canyons (Golden & Marble). Much more may be said about this breathtaking land of extremes. And incidently, my child shares the first name of your novels' character!

  2. At Gettysburg, we stayed at the hotel located at Robert E. Lee's headquarters. Our room had a gold plaque on the door, noting Dwight & Mrs. Eisenhower stayed in our room. It is my understanding (after our stay) that Patton had stayed at another room at the same hotel while visiting the Battlefield. We enjoyed visiting sites in the town as well, several of notable historic significance &/or mystery. I've been fortunate to visit several National Parks. I no longer use Gmail, but if you have any questions I could answer for you, do post your email address below & I'll reply directly.
