Park Thriller Pages

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Congress should Fix our National Parks

My op-ed calling upon Congress to fund and retire the maintenance backlog is running in the Covington Reporter. National Parks face a $10 billion backlog which means trails don't always get repaired, potholes are left unfilled, and campgrounds aren't always opened. 

Some of called the national park's America's best idea. We as Americans should demand that Congress treat them as the precious gift they are.

1 comment:

  1. Sean, you make excellent points in your op-ed piece. There is more at stake in providing adequate funds for our national parks than just protecting and maintaining important assets. Our failure to invest in these national treasures says something dreadful about our national character.

    I especially like the realization you had at Old Faithful: "people come to national parks to connect with something larger than themselves, to feel part of something important and lasting." I plan to tweet that line.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
    Tom Bremer ♨
