Park Thriller Pages

Friday, July 21, 2017

I focused on the wrong career

Forty eight years ago, my family sat in rapt awe as humanity first set foot on another heavenly body.

I remember it like yesterday, my mom and dad, as well as my brother in our army issued housing huddled around the TV. My dad had set up his 35mm camera on a tripod and snapped countless pictures of the momentous event.

The space program in an odd way set my career path. As many know I always wanted to be an astronaut. But due to the fact that I'm colorblind I couldn't pass the physical to become a military pilot.

However, as this picture shows to land people on the moon or any other significant national undertaking, takes a clear goal, resources, and strong political will. Kennedy set the goal of landing a man on the moon. Two more presidents and subsequent congresses saw that goal to fruition.

Americans and humanity have the capacity to achieve great things. Often the only thing holding us back is the political will to do it.


Sean Smith is an award winning conservationist and author. He is a former National Park Ranger at Yellowstone, a TEDx speaker, and private pilot. He graduated from the University of Washington in 1989 with a degree in Political Science. He got his master's in Natural Resources Management from Central Washington University in 1996. He currently runs Washington State's efforts to reduce and eliminate toxic chemicals from consumer products and serves as the Mayor Pro Tem of Covington.

He has been writing stories and books since he was a child and currently writes national park thrillers from the shadow of Mount Rainier.

All his novels can be found here: Mr. Sean D Smith

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